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  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain Road.

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain Road.

  • Balsom Mountain Road, Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina

  • Tunnel of Trees, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan

  • A digitally enhanced and maniuplated image with added elements of Baby Blue Eyes, Wildflowers

  • Breckenridge Ski Area from Boreas Pass Road

  • Bosque del Apache - At the north end of the Tour Loop Road is the Phil Norton Observation blind. It is an ideal place to get a good look at waterfowl such as this hooded merganser.

  • Great Gray Owl, Strix nebulosa, Yellowstone National Park.  This Great Gray Owl had been struck by a vehicle and was injured by the side of the road.  It was taken to a rescue animal center in Gardiner for rehabilitation.

  • A tree line road through Ottawa National Forest in Upper Peninsula, Michigan