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  • A portrait image of a Golden Eagle, Awuila chrysaetos at the Rocky Mountain Raptor Center

  • A blended image to get detail in the clouds and to avoid over exposing the lighting on the bridge.

  • A blended image to get the beautiful sunset colors and the lighting on the bridge.

  • Sunset along the banks of the Chobi River, Capri Strip, Namibia

  • An intimate landscape of water puddles reflecting fall foliage colors at Presque Isle River, Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

  • A waterfall on HWY 5 in Vermont near the Connecticutt River surrounded by fall foliage

  • Trumpeter Swans, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan..Fall mornings in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are often foggy.  Trumpeter swans were almost extinct when this formerly logged area was turned into a wetland santuary for them in the 1930's.  Through careful management, their numbers have greatly increased such that they are no longer endangered.

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

  • Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain Road.

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain Road.

  • Sunset at El Matador Beach, Malibu, California

  • An HDR processed image of San Francisco at sunset taken from Treasure Island

  • Sunset at El Matador State Beach, Malibu, California

  • Foggy morning with sun light on fall trees at Great Smoky Mountains National Park

  • Setting sun behind Pigeon Point Lighthouse, San Simeon, California

  • Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina

  • An intimate landscape of water puddles reflecting fall foliage colors at Presque Isle River, Porcupine Mountains, Michigan

  • Sunset at Cannon Beach

  • Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina

  • Water Lily