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  • Evening at Wolwedans Dune Camp - After a safari in the Namib-Rand Preserve, guests unwind by the fire.

  • A view of St Louis reflected in the Mississippi River

  • A panoramic photograph of San Francisco taken from Treasure Island just after sunset.

  • Detroit, Detroit River, Michigan, cityscape

  • A blended image to get detail in the clouds and to avoid over exposing the lighting on the bridge.

  • A blended image to get the beautiful sunset colors and the lighting on the bridge.

  • A Fine Art Image of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

  • Great River Bridge, Burlington, Iowa, Gulfport, Illinois

  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  • Bosque del Apache, New Mexico..The sandhill cranes seek the safety of the marsh in the evening. When the sun rises, the cranes fly to their daytime foraging areas.

  • Evening storm lightning strikes

  • Evening storm lightning strikes