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  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • A tree line road through Ottawa National Forest in Upper Peninsula, Michigan

  • A high dynamic range Fine Arr photo of a sunset view of a glacial lake and the boreal forest

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • An impressionist image of Jedediah Smith Redwood Forest created using motion blur

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • Jedediah Smith Redwood State Forest

  • An impressionist image of Jedediah Smith Redwood Forest created using motion blur

  • Fall colored sugar maple leaves (Acer saccharum) hard maple, rock maple, Michigan, Ottawa National Forest, autumn, fall, foliage, yellow